Know About A Diverse Source Of Indian Astrology Learning For A Holistic Approach To Stress Problems

Divinity Academy is the centre for finding holistic therapy and counselling based solutions for all problems experienced by individuals due to high stress and anxiety levels, and trying to find plausible solutions for these issues before they aggravate and grave and drastic solutions become the requirement. With the Divinity Academy Mr. Mr. Prakash Menon and Mr.Praveen Saanker envisage to alleviate problems arising due to the stressful lives the modern man is leading.

Relations are the crux of our functions on a daily basis.  Our country and culture places high levels of importance on relations. We need to coexist with all kinds of relations in our daily life. There are various types of relationships we have to live with like, relations at the house, inside the social circle and even in professional life. These relations are what are facing the incessant pressures caused by our present day lifestyle. Stress related problems are caused due to the excessive pressures put on people in their work atmosphere and other walks of life. Relationship counselling helps in resolving all problems related to maintaining and coexisting in a relationship. Relationship counselling Chennai is an institution with specific and professional training related to resolving frictions and fissures arising in relationships due to stress and anxiety.

Mr. Prakash Menon and his partner Praveen Saanker as  renowned psychologists Chennai, have deep entrenched interest and belief in Indian astrology which has instigated them into getting people to learn more about astrology as a vedic science and offer services on the same through some of the most trained and experienced astrologers in Chennai. Astrology is not only a tool to know and understand the lives of an individual’s past, present and future. It can also be utilised for the betterment of a person’s outlook towards the society and it can also functionally be a tool for the betterment of the society with its clear scientific approach towards getting to the problem areas and to get possible solutions in a holistic way.

Indian astrology is an ancient science, which involves basic elements of mathematics, and planetary sciences of our solar system. The astral positions has the powers to influence our day to day life and also the earth’s systemic changes. Related to the astrology factor they also deduced the fact that our mental and physical state of health is controlled by energy fields in our body called the “chakras”. Hence, the advent of chakras therapy where it was found that the balancing of these energy fields in our body and keeping them in healthy balance meant healthy mental and physical equilibrium.

Mr.Prakash Menon and Praveen Saanker the brains behind the Divinity Academy are also interested in the modern scientific as well as psychological therapeutic methods like Hypnosis therapy related to hypnotic regressive therapy. Through hypnosis a psychiatrist can delve into the subconscious of a human mind. It is said that the subconscious of a human mind hold the key to the solution of all the problems of an individual. Divinity academy brings together holistic methods like meditation and yoga to control and bring down anxiety and stress levels in a person, since these are the two basic causes for almost all sorts of mental and physical ailments. This holistic approach in combination with the counselling abilities of some of the leading psychologists in Chennai means that you are getting consummate know how on the ways to a holistic and modern means of approaching stress and anxiety related problems. 


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