Reviving The Belief In Vedic Cultures Through Academics And Other Means At Divinity

The essence of Vedic and Indian astrology has been deep rooted in the lives of Indian people but it takes a bit of belief and some retrospection in the right manner to realise its potential. The great proponents of energy healing in the modern era, such as the highly qualified Mr Praveen Shaanker, have helped in the establishment of a strong belief in the age old Vedic teachings. 

Along with Mr Prakash Menon, who is a highly qualified master of hypnosis, past life regression, metaphysics, energy healing, face reading, body language, Vaastu Shastra, and other such knowledge, Mr Praveen has brought about a significant change in the manner in which healing therapy is being looked at with a modern perspective. The aim of Divinity is to let the world know about the heritage of India, which is interspersed in the daily life of people. This will allow them to incorporate the messages of Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas and the teachings of the great saints to lead a relaxed and contented life.

Through the means of certification courses, many believers are made to learn about the different aspects of metaphysics and paranormal life so that they can propagate the science behind these beliefs. It is the effort of these learned men and their brainchild, Divinity to spread the message of science, technology and management to mix with spirituality, chakras, astrology, and ancient beliefs in the modern society. 

The certification courses in Indian astrology and scientific spirituality, Advaita Vedanta, face reading, body language, Vaastu Shastra, Vedic Astrology, Medical Astrology, Chakras and their application in healing, yoga and palmistry and Sadhana Yoga, are aimed at providing a rich education to the students. Not only are these topics covered by the teachers themselves, along with other knowledgeable persons, there are other activities done for the fulfilment of various questions by the common man regarding psychic treatments. 

Documents and books on spirituality are published from time to time about the different aspects of hypnosis, and metaphysical existence. There are audiovisual aids like CDs, VCDs, DVDs, pamphlets, brochures, magazines, etc to impart teaching to the interested students who take up the certification courses, advanced programs, foundation programs, or advanced programs.
Research based programs are being conducted to study the Indian acharas, chakras system, rituals, hypnotherapy, etc, so as to impart a scientific understanding of the merits of Indian culture and Vedas. It also aims to eradicate the superstitions from the minds of the common man through scientific analyses. 

Another benefit that was aimed to be accrued was the clearing of the understanding of the facts, truths, merits and contents of the Indian literature regarding Hypnosis, Vedic Astrology, Chakras, Asanas, Acharas, Energy Healing, etc. This was aimed at giving a clearer idea about these programs for the understanding of the society. 

One more way in which Divinity has looked to spread the message of Indian ancient texts of spirituality and metaphysical abilities is through conduct of seminars, study classes, international and national level exhibitions, camps, study tours and competitions, so that the aim of the institute is fulfilled. 

Even though the teachings and ideas about spirituality were present since the ancient times, their understanding and explanations were not always clear to people. Scientific information and knowledge has been recently sought by the proponents of psychic and hypnosis by learned men like Mr Praveen and Mr Prakash, so that the benefits would be directly hailed by the common man.

Spiritual Empowerment With Divinity Through The Best Teachers Of Hypnotherapy

Spirituality in the world of human beings has been engrained in the social, cultural, educational and religious life, even on a day to day basis. People in general, are engrossed in their lives and carry on working in a mechanical manner. Metaphysical characteristics, psychic understandings, extra-life perceptions, entities beyond the normal, etc are not possible to be felt by people, all by themselves. By merging scientific explanations of spirituality with the age old traditions of Sanathana Dharma or Hinduism, number of ancient traditions and literatures can be understood. 

At Divinity, it has been the tryst of Mr Prakash Menon and Mr. Praveen Shaanker, two highly accomplished and gifted psychologists, to transform their knowledge on Vedic astrology and psychic philosophies into an art form. In order to achieve a rational and scientific study of the Indian culture and heritage, and understand the messages interspersed in the Vedas and puranas, Divinity has been started by these two eminent psychoanalysts and hypnotherapists, who believe in merging science with the metaphysical. 

As a research based academy based in Chennai, Divinity understands the need of the masses to unravel the mysteries surrounding the things which are beyond the ordinary and know more about the aura of ghosts, past life regression and other points of hypnotherapy. Mr Praveen Shaanker has had a great reputation as a student of the paranormal and metaphysics. He has also done a lot of psychic reading as a clairvoyant and helped people in overcoming their fears of ghosts, paranormal thoughts and other hidden fears. Qualifications as a clinical hypnotherapist in Mind Sciences and Past Life Therapy have helped Mr Praveen to work with energies at a higher level of metaphysical consciousness otherwise known as the External Entity Space. He also has mastery over the teachings and messages in the epics such as the Vedas and Puranas. 

It is from such in-depth knowledge of the sayings of the Shastras that the academic programs in Chennai centre of Divinity have been devised. These programs are possible to be pursued by students who are interested in the divine spirituality and those who seek to find solutions of day to day life issues through hypnotherapy, astrology, face reading, body language and Advaita Vedanta. 

Courses are concentrated on these sources and include programs of short and long duration on Medical Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Palmistry, Sadhana or Mantra Yoga, Vaastu Shastra, and on individual scientific vedic spirituality. There are also treatment-sessions held in the Divinity clinics which are based on Indian spirituality aspects and are provided by the experts who work under the guidance of Mr Praveen Shaanker and Mr Prakash Menon and have undergone extensive training.

By means of counselling in Chennai and hypnotherapy in Chennai, the different groups of people are divided into the type of therapy that they want while Mr. Praveen Shaanker is able to provide an emotional well being through various techniques of Vedic Shastras and Reiki healing or through this ability of clairvoyance. The aim of the various course programs at Divinity is to impart a scientific approach to the well known teaching in Vedas and ancient Hindu scriptures which is being done by adequate stress on detailed knowledge of various metaphysical and psychic educations.